A person who wants to become a freight broker can find several training options available to him. There are mainstream schools that offer freight broker training as well as online-only schools that provide training for this career. These training programs are designed to provide aspiring brokers with the detailed information they need to succeed in this career. As an alternative to enrolling in school, a person can also get trained in freight brokerage by reading business books, downloading e-books and e-courses, or signing up to work with an experienced freight broker.
What is digital freight brokerage?
A ship or freight broker is a kind of intermediary between the direct owner of the cargo and the owner of the ship. He takes no part in the transaction at all. At the same time, his role in the process is more than significant. The ship broker is not prescribed in the contract. The amount of his fee is a percentage of the total freight.
What do digital freight brokers do?
- Quotation of rates for international maritime transportation, including groupage cargo, purchase of freight in lines, from agents and carriers;
- Monitoring of the betting market;
- Development and proposal of alternative ways of sending cargo / development of new routes;
- Coordination and control of Door to Door cargo transportation, incl. from Southeast Asian countries (China, Korea, Japan) and others through the ports of the Russian Federation and the EU;
- Advising colleagues on freight issues, processing requests;
- Interaction with ports, ship owners, freight brokers;
- Organization and implementation of work with shipping lines and agents;
- Booking placement control;
- Entering operational information into tables;
- Daily monitoring of the operational situation on the movement / arrival of containers;
- Checking invoices from contractors.
A freight broker is an intermediary between the shipowner and the owner of the cargo. He brings together the parties to the transaction, but he does not appear in the contract. For services, the broker receives remuneration in the form of a percentage of the freight amount.
What do you need to be a digital freight broker?
Excellent knowledge and practical experience (from 3 years) in organizing maritime transport, understanding the principles of organizing transportation by other modes of transport;
Knowledge of container lines and their competitive advantages;
Knowledge of the features and conditions of various types of cargo transportation, Incoterms;
Knowledge of international law, the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the regulation of freight forwarding in the performance of transportation in international traffic;
- Knowledge of the rules of registration of transport documents;
English Intermediate/Upper Intermediate, written and spoken;
Proficiency in Chinese is welcome, but not required;
Confident PC user (Excel, Word);
The developed base of carriers will be an advantage.
“Why resort to the help of an intermediary? After all, you can find a ship on your own, ”thinks of people who have not previously encountered water transportation. To complete a transaction, you need to have professional knowledge and contacts.
Is it worth being a digital freight broker?
Of course, getting this profession is definitely worth it. The salary of a specialist depends on the number of completed orders. The average freight broker salary is several tens of thousands of US dollars. This is the reason digital freight brokerage is becoming so popular.
You can pass freight broker training with us. We offer not only services, but also training of specialists. Therefore, if you need to prepare staff for your company or get an education personally, then you can contact us.